Is there a great gatsby font i can use
Is there a great gatsby font i can use

The CGI was overdone and not needed, it also looks a little too cartoonish. There are a couple of nice moments in the soundtrack, like some of the background music and a bit of Gershwin(the use of Rhapsody in Blue was clever), but the hip-hop/rap was overused, overbearing and anachronistic(I confess also that I detest that style of music so there is some bias). The first 20-30 minutes are very rushed and overblown with editing that is so dizzying it could induce a seizure.

is there a great gatsby font i can use

It is easy though to see why people criticise the latest version of The Great Gatsby. However despite some questionable stylistic touches the spirit of the book and prose as well as of the Jazz Age are here in the way that the other three versions didn't really do so well. That is not saying at all that this film is 100% perfect because it isn't, and it doesn't completely do justice to the book. All had good things but also a fair number of flaws, neither really doing the book justice. Before seeing this films, I saw the 1974, 19 versions. After reading it again in preparation for this film- considering that it is based on a great story though it's also by Baz Luhrmann(whose style you either like or dislike)- it does deserve this distinction as well as a contender for the best American novel.

is there a great gatsby font i can use

In my reviews of the previous three versions it was said that I wasn't entirely sure as to whether it was one of the all-time literary greats. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby is a great, no, wonderful book, a beautiful story and just as brilliantly written and one of those books where you can read in one sitting and not feel bored at all.

Is there a great gatsby font i can use